Greetings! My name is Eugenia Lemos, an enlightened guide with over 30 years of dedication in the sacred path.
My soul came into being in Farnworth, Great Britain, but my divine calling has led me throughout the universe.
Being a passionate energy healing guide, I have guided countless of people awaken to their inner essence.
My journey started at the age of 30, after going through a transformative vision when studying in a sacred forest.
I am passionate about sharing universal techniques for the present-day seeker.
I have immersed myself in 3 distinct metaphysical paths, including quantum consciousness.
When not speaking, I practice spiritual retreats and spending time with my fellow seekers.
What drives me is to guide seekers discover their true nature and experience a more conscious existence.
I recognize that every soul is on a special journey of remembering, and it is my divine purpose to walk alongside you on your divine journey.
Join me on my online courses and we will grow together.
Here is my homepage; https://36.Cholteth.com